Shankar Das

AI/ML Products


Embracing the Risks from Generative AI.

Possibilities from genAI can only be understated today and I believe, the future holds abundance – in the quality of our collective lives and in the economic value it will create. The future is exciting. It’s a huge privilege for me that I get to work, alongside some of the brightest minds, in such early stages of this space.
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AI-Powered Healthcare: Unlocking Longer, Healthier Lives.

Imagine a world where most diseases are curable, and living to 100 was the norm. With the rapid advancements in AI, this future might be closer than we think. There is little doubt that healthcare would be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the advances in AI. Does that mean we will live much longer? We have already witnessed a remarkable progress in the last 100 years in healthcare. Not very long ago, an infection from a simple cut could be a death warrant – penicillin was discovered only in 1928. And, if we go further back in time, all the way back to the beginning of recorded human history, the story becomes clearer – we are fortunate to have the healthcare we have access to. That said, there’s a lot yet to do. Today, there are over 10,000 known diseases of which only 500 have FDA-approved treatment.
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AI for Energy - a Power Combo.

“Then there is electricity,—the demon, the angel, the mighty physical power, the all-pervading intelligence!” exclaimed Clifford. “Is that a humbug, too? Is it a fact—or have I dreamt it—that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time? Rather, the round globe is a vast head, a brain, instinct with intelligence! Or, shall we say, it is itself a thought, nothing but thought, and no longer the substance which we deemed it!”
These are words from Nathaniel Hawthorne’s book, first published in 1851
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The Future Demands Every Company to be an AI Company.

Continuous growth has been a hallmark of human civilization since the beginning of time. Whether it was the invention of fire, electricity, or the internet, they all pushed us further as a civilization, expanded the overall economic pie, and enabled us with tools to do more with less.
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Scaling a Machine Learning Organization: A Product Cheat Sheet

You build a career as a rockstar data scientist. Even led a small team. Now, success from being a great data scientist or from leading a small data science team may not translate directly as you lead a larger data science organization — as your team expands into multiple data science projects with multiple data science leads. Of course, you know how best to understand models and interpret results. But you are all but one person.
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The Guide to Creating a Successful Startup within a Company

If you are working for a startup or on a new project, chances are you are wearing multiple hats, with your biggest responsibility being ‘value creation’. If you have a boss it’s very likely . . .
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Naming Matters - Rebranding 'Prompt Engineering' Could Revolutionize Creativity.

Here's my prediction: In five years, we will collectively agree that "prompt engineering" was named wrong. Looking back, we'll realize that the term "engineering" inadvertently created a barrier, making generative AI seem exclusive and intimidating to many. While it may have sounded impressive and technical, it alienated potential users and stifled the very creativity it was meant to democratize
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AI Product Management and Entrepreneurship, an Uncanny Overlap

AI products - from being “possible” to making it “practical” - it's an arduous journey that takes a lot of craftsmanship. This creative ability is put to the test for AI product managers now more than ever before with all the possibilities exhibited by generative AI demos.
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Nine time tested principles for effective writing.

Effective business writing can easily be one of the most useful skill at work. A 2004 NYT article suggests corporate America spends $3.1B annually in remedial trainings for fixing basic writing skills.
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Two quick rules to becoming an effective leader.

The key to achieving this is acknowledging that you don’t know everything and always having the drive to learn more. Always be curious.
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How to keep moving forward despite the roadblocks?

Everybody needs help. Acknowledge it. Internalize it and identify people who will stand by your cause in difficult situations.
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How to avoid (and resolve) conflicts at your workplace?

Here are three things we all need to avoid most of the conflicts at work.
Assume positive intent
Blame the process, don’t blame the person
Ask why? Actually 5 whys! ( our of curiosity, not frustration)
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What shaped me:

80s kid. Grew up in Nepal - Lived through a range of raw possibilities and an abundance of life challenges that came along the way. Developed perspectives that are my biggest asset today.

What I have learned so far:

An electrical engineer by training (never really put it into practice). Stumbled into building data products early on (15 years now). Loved everything that came along -- building AI/ML products that scale decisions and augment human intuition; leading diverse, global data science teams; and establishing clear communication between tech and non-tech stakeholders.

What I do today:

Transforming the Future of Media & Entertainment through Data Science Innovation
As a data science product leader at Amazon, I am on a mission to build the world’s most trusted source of insights for the business of storytelling. I am dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the media and entertainment industry. From discovering IPs, evaluating stories, and augmenting various creative elements to assessing their ROIs.Let's connect and explore how we can collaborate to drive success in this ever-evolving and dynamic field.


Have an idea you want to brainstorm? Looking for mentorship? Willing to provide feedback to help me learn? I am eternally curious.